Transforming Hockey into a Sport for All

Have you ever been to a hockey game? Have you noticed that the vast majority of players are white? Now picture this: a hockey game, where the icy arena echoes with the cheers of a diverse crowd and players from all backgrounds glide across the ice. It’s a vision that challenges the conventional image of hockey as a sport dominated by white, middle to upper-class players. 

I recently read a post that resonated deeply with me. The post raised an important and thought-provoking issue regarding the lack of diversity and inclusion in hockey within the Merrimack Valley area of Massachusetts. It highlighted the disparity between the demographics of the community and the composition of hockey teams, which remain white and middle class. According to a racial breakdown of the NHL from 2011, 93% of players identify as white. A report from 2022 states that 83.60% of the League’s full-time work force is white. 

As an Asian male hockey player who lives in a predominantly white suburb north of Chicago, another “hockey hot bed area”, I can personally relate to the experiences in the reading. Hockey, or any other sport, should be an activity that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds. However, the lack of diversity in the sport, not only in my community, but the entire country, is noticeable, and it can make people feel like an outsider. Growing up, I developed a deep passion for hockey, despite being one of the few Asian players, if any, on the team. 

The reading highlights the importance of expanding access to the game and creating more opportunities for individuals from low-income and immigrant communities. The author suggested that this situation poses an existential threat to the game. It’s essential to break down the barriers that prevent people from diverse backgrounds from participating in hockey. Solutions such as providing free or cheaper equipment and affordable or free learn-to-play programs, allow us to encourage more individuals to embrace the sport.

While most of my coaches and teammates have been supportive and inclusive, there are still moments when I feel like I don’t quite fit in due to my different cultural background. I have encountered stereotypes and misconceptions about my involvement in hockey. It is crucial for the hockey community to recognize the contributions of players from different backgrounds. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, we can create a stronger hockey community. 

Unveiling the Lack of Diversity in Ice Hockey 

Ice hockey has been cherished as a thrilling sport, with fans from all across the globe, yet it still struggles to reflect the rich diversity of our communities. The lack of representation and inclusion for minorities within ice hockey is a significant challenge that deserves our attention. By uncovering the current statistics and exploring the broader impact of diversity, we can transform hocket into a sport that embraces people from all backgrounds.

Initiatives Driving Change

Numerous organizations and initiatives are working hard to promote diversity and inclusion within ice hockey. They are taking proactive steps to increase participation among minority communities

- The NHL's "Hockey is for Everyone" campaign aims to make ice hockey accessible to everyone, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic background. this initiative includes grassroot programs, community outreach, and partnerships with diverse organization to break down barriers and foster inclusivity.

Benefits of Diversity

Embracing diversity in ice hockey extends beyond social justice; it also enriches the sport and brings numerous benefits including:

- Greater diversity within ice hockey can cultivate a broader fan base, expanding the sport's reach and appeal to new audiences

- Stories of minority players who have overcome challenges to excel in ice hockey can inspire future generations and serve as powerful role models within their communities

Overcoming Barriers to Entry

There are various factors that contribute to the lack of diversity within the sport. One primary challenge is the cost associated with the sport. Equipment, ice time, and travel expenses can place a significant burden on families, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds. 

According to a "survey conducted by Scotiabank and FlipGive of over a thousand Canadian and American hockey parents in 2020 found that nearly 60% pay more than $5,000 per year, 41% spend between $5,000 and $10,000 a year, and 16% spend over $10,000 a year for their kids to play the sport. And 90% of the parents surveyed said they were worried about the financial impact the cost of the sport was having on their families. Per the same report, 35% of parents took on personal debt and 23% got a second job or worked overtime so their kids could play. The sport also comes with a major time commitment; 80% of the parents said they spend a weekly average of five hours or more at hockey-related activities, while 38% are at the rink for over eight hours each week."

It is imperative that we continue to push for diversity and inclusion in hockey. By acknowledging the underrepresentation of minorities and implementing strategies to overcome barriers, we can unlock the untapped potential within these communities. The sport will continue to flourish as it becomes a true reflection of our diverse society. Let us unite as a whole to create an inclusive ice hockey culture. Together, all of us can build a stronger and more vibrant future for ice hockey.

Gender in Hockey - the Creation of the PWHL

With the recent development of the Professional Women's Hockey League, I thought that I would talk a little about its origin, accomplishments, and goals.


The PWHL was created in hopes of providing a competitive and empowering platform for female hockey players. It offers a structured and high-level league where players can showcase their talents.

Current PWHL & Accomplishments

Currently, there are six teams in the PWHL, three of which are located in Canada while the other three are in the United States.


So far, the PWHL's early successes include team staffing, production, and venues. Along with that, the PWHL set an attendance record for the most watched professional women's hockey game with 8,318 people in attendance.


As the PWHL continues to grow and flourish, its main goal is to preserve itself. The collapse of the Canadien Women's Hockey League a few years ago serves as a guideline to avoid the same mistakes. The PWHL hopes to stay for generations to come.

The Inspiring World of Adaptive Sports

Adaptive sports are competitive or recreational athletic activities that have been modified or specifically created to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. These sports encompass a wide range of activities, from sled hockey and wheelchair basketball to goalball and para-athletics, allowing people with physical, visual, or intellectual impairments to participate in and enjoy the benefits of sports. By adapting rules, using specialized equipment, or altering playing environments, adaptive sports promote inclusivity and provide equal opportunities for athletic engagement. They offer numerous benefits to participants, including improved physical fitness, enhanced social connections, increased self-esteem, and greater independence. Adaptive sports are featured in major international events like the Paralympic Games, as well as in various national and local competitions. As the field continues to grow and evolve, aided by technological advancements in adaptive equipment and prosthetics, these sports play a crucial role in breaking down barriers, challenging societal perceptions about disability, and fostering a more inclusive world through the universal language of athletic competition and teamwork.


As an avid supporter of adaptive sports, I've had the privilege of volunteering in various capacities, each experience leaving a profound impact on me. In sled hockey, I've assisted young athletes who couldn't propel themselves, pushing their sleds across the ice and witnessing their unbridled joy as they participated in the game. The determination and enthusiasm of these young players, despite their physical limitations, was truly inspiring. My involvement with wheelchair tennis opened my eyes to the incredible agility and skill of the athletes, as they maneuvered their chairs with precision while executing powerful shots. The Special Olympics track meet was particularly memorable, showcasing a diverse range of abilities and the pure spirit of competition. Whether it was helping to set up events, cheering on participants, or assisting with logistics, the energy and positivity of the athletes were contagious. These experiences have not only deepened my appreciation for adaptive sports but have also reinforced my belief in the power of inclusivity and the indomitable human spirit.